Journey to the Center of the Earth

If Journey to the Center of the Earth had come out when I was eight, I would have jumped up and down saying "Can we go? Can we go?" at my parents side till they dropped me off at the local Santa Rosa to see it. The Santa Rosa was the local theater where I saw such important movies such as Frankenstein Meets the Spacemonster and Destroy All Monsters. I would like to think I have matured a bit in my taste in films since then. When I saw that the Journey to the Center of the Earth was in 3-D, I calmly started to jump up and down and yell "Can we go? Can we go?".
I really love 3-D movies, View-Masters, or just about anything to do with 3-D (may I remind you that most of you experience your life in 3-D, apologizes to the 2-D or 1-D people, you know who you are). Please don't even think about seeing this in a non 3-D version. Journey to the Center of the Earth was designed from the ground up as a 3-D movie. Do you want a T-rex to dribble on you? Do you want Brendan Fraser to spit out his tooth paste on you? Do you want gnarly fishes with big vicious teeth to jump at you? Then go see the 3-D version of this movie. The little girl that sat next to me while I was watching this kept reaching for the movie screen throughout the movie. I saw The Creature From the Black Lagoon (1954) in 3-D a couple of months ago, but the 3-D we have now is not your daddy's 3-D (as David Cross would say). If you haven't seen a recent 3-D movie, you are missing out. I got excited at the Real D logo which appears in 3-D before the movie even starts (I was bummed that there were no 3-D trailers though). Is this a sign I need to get out more?
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I really love 3-D movies, View-Masters, or just about anything to do with 3-D (may I remind you that most of you experience your life in 3-D, apologizes to the 2-D or 1-D people, you know who you are). Please don't even think about seeing this in a non 3-D version. Journey to the Center of the Earth was designed from the ground up as a 3-D movie. Do you want a T-rex to dribble on you? Do you want Brendan Fraser to spit out his tooth paste on you? Do you want gnarly fishes with big vicious teeth to jump at you? Then go see the 3-D version of this movie. The little girl that sat next to me while I was watching this kept reaching for the movie screen throughout the movie. I saw The Creature From the Black Lagoon (1954) in 3-D a couple of months ago, but the 3-D we have now is not your daddy's 3-D (as David Cross would say). If you haven't seen a recent 3-D movie, you are missing out. I got excited at the Real D logo which appears in 3-D before the movie even starts (I was bummed that there were no 3-D trailers though). Is this a sign I need to get out more?
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