The Insider (1999)
Theatrical Release: November 5, 1999
Blu Ray Release: February 19, 2013
Director: Michael Mann
Review by James Klein
Michael Mann's intense drama which garnered seven Academy Award nominations but was ultimately a box office dud has now hit blu ray after 14 years after its release. While certain sequences seem dated like the use of beepers and phone booths, the film remains a pulse-pounding drama that may be Mann's best film and one that should be seen.
Based on the true story about Dr. Jeffrey Wigand (Russell Crowe), a Louisville, KY tobacco executive who was suddenly fired when he questioned his company's use of a potent nicotine that could cause a cigarette user to be even more addicted, much like a drug. When 60 Minutes producer Lowell Bergman (Al Pacino) gets wind of a potential news story and confronts Wigand, Wigand informs Bergman that he signed a contract with his company that would not foreclose any information about the company if he is fired or quits. But as Wigand is suddenly followed at night, feeling stalked with strange phone calls and threatening e-mails from strangers, Wigand joins forces with Bergman to blow the whistle on this corporation.
But this is only half of the film. As Wigand loses his family by agreeing to speak to Mike Wallace of 60 Minutes for an interview, 60 Minutes is suddenly threatened by the tobacco company for attempting to put on air Wigand's interview which would be a breach of contract. It is decided, against Bergman's wishes to either air a small segment or not air anything at all. Like Wigand, Bergman begins to lose everything around him as he fights to help Wigand get his interview shown and out to the public.
The Insider may not have a lot of action or over the top special effects but what it does have is an all-star cast giving some amazing performances while Mann's stylistic direction is the films action. His use of tight close ups and extreme long shots are just something to behold, while also maintaining a documentary-type feel by shooting the entire film hand held. His attention for detail is marvelous as he shot The Insider at several locations where certain events actually took place. And Mann filming the frames with actors like Crowe, Pacino, Christopher Plummer, Bruce McGill, Philip Baker Hall, Gina Gershon, Michael Gambon, Rip Torn, and Wings Hauser electrifies the picture even more.
Touchstone's new blu ray of The Insider looks amazing and the colors pop with a 5.1 surround that is clear as a bell. This blu ray rocks. However, one disappointment is the lack of special features. There is a short production featurette of the film that was shot back in 1999 that is interesting to see but is too short to give the viewer much info on the making of the film. I would have really wanted the deleted scenes that have been shown countless times on T.V. Or how about an audio commentary by Mann or even Crowe? Oh well, one should be happy just to have this tremendous film in HD.
[Rating: 4.5]
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