White Irish Drinkers (2011)
Theatrical Release: March 25, 2011
Home Release: July 12, 2011
Director: John Gray
Rated R
Review by Wendy Simmons
Wants To Be More Than White Irish Drinkers
What can push you to further yourself when you are surrounded by unambitious people? That’s what Brian, the sensitive artist, must face in White Irish Drinkers.
Directed by John Gray and starring Nick Thurston as Brian and Geoff Wigdor as his rambunctious older brother Danny, we see the story of two young New York men that must live their lives the way they see fit. Coming from an abusive home, this strain takes a different toll on each. One is content but knows that there is more for him, but he may be too afraid to go for it. The other takes out his frustration with crime; but later it’s revealed that he had dreams but was also too fearful to try. What do you expect from two people that were never pushed to do more than live day to day?
The brothers face love, betrayal, abuse and degradation. This is not an easy life for them…but is life ever really easy?
Growing up Danny was Brian’s protector. Although there was constant struggle between them as men, they were truly devoted to their brotherhood. Which also causes a dilemma for Brian…should he choose loyalty over morality? Should he choose happiness over contentment?
This multiple festival award winning film was very well acted. It was emotional and surprising. A wrap up gave an understanding to how a person’s experience, and lack thereof, can determine their situation.
The performances were outstanding and little known Thurston and Wigdor should be commended for giving such ordinary characters so much life.
A definite must see!
I give it $$$ ½
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