Exploring Toni Rowland (Interview)

Exploring Toni Rowland
Interview conducted on April 20th, 2010
by Sadaf Fayyaz
Toni Rowland was born and bred at South Africa. She writes her material herself and at times with the help of her sibling Bronwyn. The band members include Ken Hensley on keyboards, Ovidio Lopez on guitars, Juan-Carlos Garcia on drums, Antonio Fidel on bass and Bronwyn Rowland on harmonies and backing vocals. Toni had been a part of many bands in the past with the last and most successful one being Mantis. Toni released her solo album after a hard work of ten months with production be Kens Hensley. Ken, besides being the album producer, played Hammond, keyboards and guitars in the album too.
-Read the full story at UnRatedMagazine.com
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