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Layoffs Hit Valence Media

Layoffs Hit Valence Media, Parent Company Of Billboard And Dick Clark Productions

April 15, 2020 at 1:20 AM (PT)
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    Billboard Cuts
    A rounds of layoffs has hit VALENCE MEDIA, parent company of BILLBOARD, THE HOLLYWOOD REPORTER (THR), VIBE, and DICK CLARK PRODUCTIONS. According to a report in VARIETY, “Senior writers and editors at BILLBOARD and VIBE magazines were pink slipped early TUESDAY [4/14]. Cuts at THR are also expected to begin on TUESDAY.
    These layoffs are believed to include editorial employees, as well as staffers in other departments.” Additionally, VARIETY reports, “At least eight people were dismissed from DICK CLARK PRODUCTIONS.”
    Among the cuts were VIBE Deputy Editor WILLIAM KETCHUM III, who said in a tweet that the companywide layoffs were “in response to the CORONAVIRUS.” NASHVILLE-based BILLBOARD Country Correspondent ANNIE REUTER was also among those whose positions were eliminated. Other BILLBOARD employees announcing their own departures on social media  included CHRIS PAYNE and WILL GOTTSEGEN.
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