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KISS Is Honored and Kiss Honors The Veterans

KISS Is Honored and Kiss Honors The Veterans

KISS shows Aurora they can still play small venue
Kiss by Jake Warkel

RiverEdge Park Aurora IL, USA 8-20-17

Review by Jake Warkel

KISS performed in Aurora IL for the first time in their career and they are playing a smaller venue then they're accustomed too it’s not quite a sold-out crowd tonight but it sure looked and felt like it.

KISS is very supportive of our veterans and this year for many concerts including at RiverEdge Park KISS had veterans working as roadies for the day, and chosen veterans event got paid.  Do you belive that, Gene Simmons letting loose some cash.  Gene is respect in music and Veteran Causes.  Sometime during the performance, KISS brought Veterans up on stage and honored them as the whole venue said our Pledge of Allegiance together which was cool. Then KISS had a little surprise by the Mayor of Aurora IL by giving KISS the key to the city. Paul Stanley received the key from the Mayor took some photos with the Mayor shook his hand and thanked him and the city of Aurora   IL for the gracious honor.

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