SweetWater Brewery Goes Hawaiian with Going Coastal: A Pineapple IPA By: Coren E McLeod
SweetWater Brewery Goes Hawaiian with Going Coastal: A Pineapple IPA
By: Coren E McLeod
Well, I must have done something right with my 1st review of SweetWater Brewery’s beer because I got another shipment of a new beer sent to my home. Let’s just say I was overjoyed that I was going to be able to “test run” one of their fabulous beers. Thank you Tucker!!!!
This time around it is they style of an IPA. According to the very knowledgeable website, Beeradvocate.com, “The American IPA is a different soul from the reincarnated IPA style. More flavorful than the withering English IPA, color can range from very pale golden to reddish amber. Hops are typically American with a big herbal and / or citric character, bitterness is high as well. Moderate to medium bodied with a balancing malt backbone. Average alcohol by volume (abv) range: 5.5-7.5%.
Not one to go along with tradition, SweetWater decided to go a little tropical and add some pineapple to its brew. Here is a description from the fabulous people at the Georgia base brewery:
Slide into summer and step off the grid with Goin’ Coastal IPA laced with pineapple. The bright aromas of the five citrus hop additions are accentuated by the tropical fruit of the pineapple – and just like those three day weekends, its finish is quick. Cash in a sick day and grab another!
Golden copper in color, a full malt bill brings balance to this quaffable summer loving seasonal.
Malts: 2 Row, Munich, Wheat, Premium English, Crystal Malts
Hops: Columbus, Cascade, Simcoe, Goldings, Centennial, Chinook
Dry hops: Cascade, Simcoe, Golding, Centennial
ABV: 6.1% IBU’s: 50
I was able to try this little creation with one of my favorite local brewers. On Wednesday, April 27th, 2016, Curt Ames of McHenry’s Chain O’Lakes Brewery gave me some input on this beer and this is what we both came up with:
It has a nice straw color to it without any cloudiness. The carbonation is perfect and not too overwhelming. The smell is very fruity. One can tell it is pineapple. However, there is a slight grassiness and floral to it. Simcoe and Centennial seem to be the stand out hops. The taste is very pleasant. The lingering flavor of pineapple is a nice surprise and it finishes dry. The mouthfeel has a slight softness to it that makes it even more enjoyable. Overall, I would give it a 4 out of 5 pints. This could easily be enjoyed by your biggest beer geek or a newcomer to trying out craft beers….
I would seriously be on the lookout for this easily sippable craft beer for the long summer mouths coming. If you plan on grilling for the season, a nice pork chop would accompany this beer perfectly or nice, light salad. Thanks again to Tucker and the whole SweetWater family for letting me try this remarkable beer! Keep them coming!

#Cheers- Read the full story at UnRatedMagazine.com
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