One on One with Glenn from Wisconsin’s Own KreSenMor
By: Coren E. McLeod
I had the great pleasure of seeing Wisconsin’s own, KreSeMor, when they opened up for Royal Bliss on April 9th, 2016. I was highly impressed with how the entire band drew a crowd and kept the energy level so high. I loved all of their orginal songs. However, what got me hooked and brought me back to high school was when the lead singer, Glenn Morrison Jr. played “MachineHead” from Bush. I just about lost it.
So, I got to ask KreSenMor a few questions regarding what is happening for them this summer and why the move from LA to Wisconsin to their weird preshow recritals.
Here is what Glenn had to say.

Hey Glen,
Thanks for agreeing to this.
1) First off, looks like you are originally from LA. Why the track out to Wisconsin?
I was born in L.A. and my mother moved to WI when I was 2.
2) How did you and your band mates get together?
KreSenMor was formed by the power of music. Glenn Morrison Jr. ( Singer/Guitar) was attending a local open mic and met Shane...Madsen(Percussion) playing that night. Instantly they both knew that much music was to be made. They had the pleasure of meeting up with Bassist Zach Kressel at another open jam in town. They bring the real feel and richness to music with originality and rocking grooves. The three musicians have a wide range of talent playing many genres of music with true feeling and emotion in every song. Their goal is to keep pushing harder and farther, to tour, and to join a record label that will not only make their music heard by the world, but also help them doing what they love .
Glenn Morrison Jr. has had the pleasure of opening for Royal Bliss, Seasons After, Romantic Rebel, Bridge To Grace, Texas Hippie Coalition, Jay from Hurt, Quiet Riot, Candlebox, and has also played the world's largest music festival SUMMERFEST!!!!!
3) I love the fact you covered a Bush song during your set before Royal Bliss. What other influences do you have?
Shane (percussion) Incubus, Rage Against The Machine, Flobots
Glenn (Vocals and Guitar)- Incubus, Neil Young, Seether
Zach (Bass)- Incubus, Beatles, Muse
4) You have opened for THC, Romantic Rebel.... What is going on this summer with you guys?
Summerfest. They will be playing July 9th on the Rebel Stage in Milwaukee.
5) Any pre show recitals you guys are willing to share?
RedBull, Potheads, Pull Tabs
6) Glen, seems like you are a talented tattoo artist. What is the most interesting piece you have ever done?
We are speaking the unspoken language.
7) Ok. All guys in a band seems to have bromances. However, each member can be annoying at times... Come on and tell me some bad things about each other.....
Shane- heart breaker
Zach- Party Animal
Glenn- is late to practice every week
Very funny you guys. Again, thanks for taking the time to speak to little ol' me about your great band. I will be covering Summerfest in Milwaukee. I will make it my mission to see you guys again!!!!
Read the full story at
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