Schoolgirl Report Volume #10 (1976)
Theatrical Release: April 2nd, 1976
DVD Release: August 13, 2013
Rating: UnRated!
Directed by Walter Boos
Review by Craig Sorensen
Boy, they really cranked these fucking Schoolgirl Report films out didn’t they? And I’ve loved everyone I’ve seen so far. I love that they are still clinging to the framing device that this is somehow socially relevant stuff rather than an excuse to get a bunch of young girls nude. And goddamn, are there some nude girls in this thing. Anyway, we are at volume ten in this long running series. Like the rest of the series, this is an anthology film with a framing story bracketing five short segments. While the first few segments seem like familiar territory (I could swear that the second segment is made up of footage from the earlier films), the fourth segment goes off the fucking rails and makes everything worth it.
So the film starts in some kind of high school social studies class. A class full of cute girls (naturally) is discussing legislation vs. morality, or more specifically how things that may be morally wrong may not be against the law per se. Real high brow stuff. This leads into our first story about an instructor at the school who’s been accused of rape by one of his students. Of course things aren’t as cut and dry as they seem and we get a little Rashomon action with varying depictions of what actually happened. The next story follows Inga, who’s horny as hell. She eventually meets a young man and tries to get him to relieve her of her virginity. He chickens out at the last minute leaving Inga to find other means of getting off. The rest of the stories follow her as she has more and more disappointing sexual encounters. She eventually meets a nice guy and everything’s happy.
Things start picking up by the third segment. Kathy is jealous of her stepmother. Seems she’s a little too attached to her father. So she cons her boyfriend into seducing the older woman so her father will get a divorce. Naturally, things don’t go according to plan. By the fourth segment things go completely ape shit. Sefie and her boyfriend Karli are horny (of course) but they can’t find a way to do the deed. Sefie’s mother watches her like a hawk. One day while at work Karli gets a copy of Der Exorzist (that’s The Exorcist in German if you couldn’t figure it out) and concocts a plan. Next thing you know, Sefie is running around grunting and crossing her eyes, throwing food at her parents and yelling about her pussy while flipping her dress up. She even pees on the floor Linda Blair style. Karli show up dressed as Rasputin to exorcise the demon and locks himself in Sefie’s room. Finally the two have time alone, while the parents stand outside the door listening. By the fifth story things sort of run out of steam. We have a fairly tame story about another girl who’s sleeping with an older man.
Other than the possession story, things here are fairly typical of the series as a whole. You’ve got lots of young girls who seem to really be into old German guys (if only real life was like this). In fact, I could swear that the second story is made up of footage of the same actress in other installments of the series. It’s very disjointed and cut to hell, which is a red flag. I’m writing this at my parents house so I don’t have access to all the other discs so I can’t double check (also, watching German sex films late at night in my old bedroom just seems right). Still, even if I’m wrong, you get the idea that things are starting to run together a bit. It’s a small complaint I guess because I still look forward to every installment.
Impluse’s disc is watchable but nothing special. Detail is a little fuzzy and colors are dull. Still, this is better than the old VHS tapes that I used to rent at Movietime and sneak home hoping no one walked in while I was watching them (my parents wouldn’t let me have a lock on my door). It is anamorphic though so it’s not all bad. You also get optional English subtitles. No trailer or liner notes are available however.
[Rating: 4 Stars]
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