Horny Diver: Tight Shellfish (1985)
Theatrical Release: July 20th, 1985
DVD Release: September 10th, 2013
Rating: UnRated!
Directed by Atsushi Fujiura
Review by Craig Sorensen
Hey, how about another Nikkatsu review? This time out we have Horny Diver: Tight Shellfish, the second diver girl film in the series. And like the first entry (Nympho Diver: G-String Festival) it’s a fairly light comedy, high in soap opera dramatics. And we almost make it through this thing without a sexual assault. Almost. Peeing does make a return though.
So, our story takes place in a small fishing village on the coast of Japan. A shady representative is trying to buy up all the land for a resort of some kind by hiring a woman to seduce the local fishing chief. He also has a young local man running around town screwing young girls to get them to sign over their family’s land. The Chief’s daughter has just returned from Tokyo University and is diving for shellfish as a part time job (along with all the other pretty girls in town evidently). She seems to have a vague memory of having a half sister. Couldn’t be the girl that she’s had a childhood rivalry with could it? She also meets a mysterious young man hanging around town. He couldn’t have anything to do with the resort could he?
I was kind of expecting this to devolve into a sort of ‘slobs vs. snobs’ scenario at the half way point but it never does, to it’s benefit. It does kind of drop the comedy though and the drama takes over. The film’s light enough (and short enough) that it’s still an enjoyable watch, and even kind of sweet in it’s own way. It is light on the crazy though, with the exception of one scene in particular. And this scene is one of the strangest in the whole series so it almost makes up for it. The local fishermen gather at a club where a girl slurps up different drinks into her vagina through a straw, does a little hip shaking dance (to mix them together) and then shoots them out into the men’s mouth. Of course, one pushy patron gets a mouth full of piss. Then as an encore, the woman shoves an octopus up there and shoots ink in the man’s face. He doesn’t take kindly to that so he grabs some kind of electrical jellyfish and shoves it up there as well. This sends electrical shocks through the two of them as a girl walks by with a lightbulb gets drawn in, lighting it up Uncle Fester style.
Horny Diver looks good on DVD from Impulse. This being an ‘80s Nikkatsu production, budgets are lower. Therefor it doesn’t have the visual splendor of their earlier films. Still, things look very good here, as all the previous entries have. The extras include a theatrical trailer and the usual liner notes from Jasper Sharp.
[Rating: 3 Stars]
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