Horny Working Girl: From 5 to 9 (1982)
Theatrical Release: 1982
DVD Release: July 9th, 2013
Rating: UnRated!
Directed by Katsuhiko Fujii
Review by Craig Sorensen
The Nikkatsu sex film series marches on towards infinity with Horny Working Girl: From 5 to 9, a film about fucking at work. And it’s taken 15 films in this series to finally get to a film without a scene of some girl peeing all over the place. I’m not going to lie, I kind of miss it. Not that the film doesn’t have it’s own particular strangeness. You get mannequin pubic hair, fake virgins fucking bad Italian stereotypes, magic sex creams, inappropriate disco music, photocopied breasts and of course 9 to 5 rip-offs.
Chieko (Junko Asahina from I Love It From Behind) has just been hired as a new assistant manager by her married boss, whom she just so happens to be fucking. Her boss has a thing for the ladies around the office and also begins screwing around with one of the younger office girls. Between those two women and his wife, things were bound to get complicated and soon all three women are plotting their revenge on the amorous manager. That’s about it for the plot. There are a few side plots, such as Chieko trying to track down a young virgin for a visiting Italian business man but they seem like filler for the most part.
Compared to other entries in the series, Horny Working Girl keeps things light. We do veer into creepy territory twice though. The whole section with Chieko trying to track down a virgin is creepy. There is a twist though but it’s still a little weird. And then there’s a scene where a girl is gang raped in the middle of the film. It’s not a scene that’s played for laughs either, which is a real shift in tone considering that the rest of the film is silly comedy. And of course, this being a Japanese sex film, the girl enjoys it by the end of the scene. Other than those two scenes though this is a fairly light comedy, which is a nice change of pace from the usual darkness that seems to dominate the series lately. Take out the nudity and it could be a Benny Hill sketch (that’s not a complaint).
As usual for the Nikkatsu series, Horny Working Girl looks great on DVD. The Nikkatsu films from the ‘80s don’t seem to have the scope of their earlier works so it’s not as visually striking, but the transfer does a good job. Colors and detail are both great. The only extra on the disc is another crazy trailer. You also get the prerequisite liner notes by Jasper Sharp.
[Rating: 3 Stars]
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