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Basket Case 3 (1992)

Studio: Synapse Films

Video Release: February 1992

DVD Release: October 9, 2012

Director: Frank Henenlotter


Review by James Klein

Frank Henenlotter’s third and final sequel to his Basket Case films plays almost like a children’s film in that the series has now substituted its grotesque, exploitation and violent tone to more of a child’s monster movie that is strictly played for laughs. Basket Case 3 reminded me of what Troma did to the second and third Toxic Avenger films by turning the series into silly monster movies with jokes aimed at 10 year old kids. Needless to say, I am not a fan of the third entry.

Taking place just a few months after the second film, Duane is almost completely out of his mind now and Granny Ruth, while upset her niece is dead, is looking after Duane at her mansion but keeping him away from his brother Belial as Belial is about to be a father. That’s right, Belial's girlfriend Eve is ready to give birth and because of their traumatic history, Granny Ruth wants Duane to stay away from him.

Because this pregnancy is rather a difficult one to perform, Granny Ruth and the rest of the mutants take a cross country trip via bus to see Uncle Hal, a doctor who knows how to treat mutants as he is in charge of taking care of Granny Ruth’s deformed son, Little Hal. One would wonder why Little Hal doesn’t live with his Mom and the other mutants but to ask questions about the plot to Basket Case 3 would just be a waste of time. It doesn’t help that Little Hal's character is played entirely for laughs and not one thing he utters is funny. In fact, he is downright annoying and I had to stop myself from hitting the fast forward button on my DVD player.

While this is happening, two of the sheriff’s deputies stumble upon the mutants and decide to steal Belial’s mutant children and hold them for ransom but when the kidnapping goes wrong, they kill Eve and steal the children. Ready for revenge, Granny Ruth, Belial and the rest of the creatures go after the police while Duane is caught in the middle.

Frank Henenlotter had said that he was forced to bring in Basket Case 3 as an R rated film and it most definitely shows. The movie has very little action or gore and the one gore scene that does happen, plays off like something out of Pee-Wee’s Big Adventure. Even the very climax with Belial in a robotic suit fighting the sheriff is pure comic book silliness. The dark, gritty and subtly humorous tone from the first film is completely gone. The series has drifted to complete over the top goofiness that feels like it is aimed at children. There is even a musical number!

The DVD by Synapse looks good but this time there are no special features to speak of aside from the video trailer which shows pretty much the entire film. Just watch the trailer and you’ll be all set.


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