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Check out our new Video feat. Amanda Knox's screenplay http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bGFBjFUGGYw

...the brand new music video by the italian rock band, based on two original screenplays and stories by Amanda Knox. It was suppose to include exclusive clips of the girl from Seattle in one of her rare moments of joy during the detention period in Perugia, at one of the band's jail concerts.

The production " decided" to remove them from the file, after a a sudden, last-minute turnabout.
We apologize with our fans if we still can't show the "uncensored" video, but we have no strenght nor power to face any eventual "trouble", and we want first to underline that respect and affection towards Amanda is the main thing to consider.

We just want to say, once again, that no one among the persons involved in this project, Amanda and Band included, have ever earned money from the video nor the images described before, and it underlines that the "endless" waiting for this release has been such a sign of respect towards the girl and all the people which the Perugia trial and the 2007 events refer to, in order to preserve their quiet and tranquility through the first months after the appeal ended.

Nevertheless, the artistic damage for the video concept is considerable, and it corrupts the message of freedom and protest, basis of rock n roll, that lives within it; but sometimes, a friendship is more important than everything else!

Rock n roll is meant to be more than music itself, it is a meaning, and this is why we chose to publish the video!

"The Mistral Blows", shot in October 2011, is the result of the friendship - collaboration between Amanda and HOT, started at the beginning of the last year. Hoping you enjoy it,


- Read the full story at UnRatedMagazine.com

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