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Operation Nazi Zombies (2003)

According to imdb.com, Operation Nazi Zombies was filmed in 1999 and released in 2003. Then why do we get the pleasure of having another re-release of this cheap, amateur piece of crap? I am unsure as to why this film is being thrown at the general public once again but dear God, this movie sucks.

I am really not so sure what the hell is going on in this “film” but its central story is about a soldier who was head of a platoon that were all killed by zombies, set up by another soldier. While he is in jail, he tells another soldier his story as what had happened. There are so many Privates, Lieutenants, Captains, Sergeants, thrown about all through this movie that I forgot whose rank certain soldiers had. But honestly, I really didn’t care. It doesn’t matter. And so, this inept platoon venture into the woods and come across this bunker where these zombies have been kept for some bizarre Nazi experiments. The rest of the movie is just a bunch of bad actors screaming and swearing at one another, shooting zombies before they themselves are used as lunch.

- Read the full review at UnRatedFilm.com

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