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I Am Bruce Lee (2012)

Studio: Network Entertainment
Theatrical Release: Feb. 9th, 2012
Rating: Unrated!Documentary, Martial Arts, Television
Review by Craig Sorensen

 Am Bruce Lee ought to be familiar to anyone who watches cable TV.  It’s shot in the style of any number of generic TV documentaries airing on any number of stations.  I’m not saying that it’s poorly made, just kind of generic.  You’ve got a lot of talking heads cut together with some archival footage.  That’s it.  Nothing at all surprising.  Maybe if the filmmakers had shot the talking heads somewhere other than a sound stage with a plain looking background it would seem a little more inspired.  Maybe shoot them on location some where?  There are a lot of people here talking about martial arts but very little of them actually showing what they know.  I’d love to see Ed O’Neill showing off his kung fu.  I mean, if you’re going to gather together all these celebrities that have martial arts training (evidently Ed O’Neill has a black belt), why not have them show off a little?  It’d add a little dynamism to the interviews at least.  I don’t know, maybe it wasn’t in their contracts.  Maybe it would have cost them more and they just didn’t have the money

- Read the full story at UnRatedFilm.com

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