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Filmgore (1983)

Media: Full Moon Entertainment

DVD Release: October 21, 2011

Not Rated

Review by James Klein

Full Moon Entertainment's Grindhouse series continues with another compilation DVD called Filmgore, centering on some of the bloody exploitation films from the 1960's and 1970's. This one is hosted by Elvira which is a more suitable person to host for this type of thing. However, her silly one-liners and quick cutaways of her rolling her eyes or making faces gets old really fast. Die hard fans of Elvira may enjoy it but it gets tiresome real quick.

Filmgore only centers on 10 horror films where instead of trailer or quick clips, these are condensed versions of the films themselves. Some of the these movies every self-respecting horror fan will know such as Blood Feast, Two Thousand Maniacs and The Texas Chainsaw Massacre but there are condensed versions of obscure films like Carnival of Blood and Dr. Jekyll's Dungeon of Death. Filmgore begins with some of the more popular films which honestly bored me. If I want to see The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, I'll pop in my blu ray thank you. However, seeing some of these other films is a treat and it made me want to seek out a few of them which is what I believe Filmgore's main purpose is.

Filmgore's picture source is a bit better than Full Moon's Best of Sex & Violence and Famous T&A but the picture quality is still murky and overly dark. The Elvira footage is shot on old video so that looks pretty darn cheap (why shoot title sequences in red over a dark background? It almost looked like the film was called Fire and not Filmgore). The running time is also close to two hours but the DVD cover claims it's 85 minutes. I only wish.

Filmgore is best viewed by those who know very little about the great drive-in horror films of the 60's and 70's or is best watched with the sound off, playing in the background during a Halloween party.

You can purchase Filmgore at http://www.fullmoondirect.com and also you can check out fullmoonhorror.com for more info.

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