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Heavy Metal (1981)

Studio: Columbia Pictures
Theatrical Release: August 7, 1981
Blu Ray Release: January 25, 2011
Director: Gerald Potterton
Rated R

Review by James Klein

The wait is over. Heavy Metal is now on blu ray! This glorious adult cartoon filled with thunderous music and plenty of sex and violence that pushed the R rating back in 1981 is now out on blu ray.

Based on the adult magazine from the 1970's, Heavy Metal is a hodgepodge of various stories and imagery all set around this glowing green orb from outer space that can bring about all sorts of evil. The stories all are centered around this evil that always comes out victorious. Since this was a Canadian production, producer Ivan Reitman (Meatballs and Stripes) brought together most of the SCTV performers to do voices. John Candy, Harold Ramis, Joe Flaherty and Eugene Levy are all brought in to do voices. Reitman was also able to bring on music talents such as Black Sabbath, Dio, Sammy Hagar, Blue Oyster Cult, Journey, and Cheap Trick.

This film was one of the many films I hid as a kid due to the graphic amounts of violence and ample amounts of breasts flopping about (I wonder if this was Russ Meyer's favorite sci-fi film). Due to licensing reasons because of the music, the film wasn't available on VHS until the mid 1990's and now it has finally hit blu ray. The picture is about as good as you will ever see it as the film still keeps its grain but the colors are even more brighter and richer. The 5.1 sound is amazing and it should be mandatory to blast your speakers as high as you can get them. The blu ray also has deleted scenes and a great making of that tells you all about the film (half the animators were on pot, obviously) .

Heavy Metal is a perfect midnight cult movie. It's the kind of film you throw on during a party, however the guests may slowly drift to the TV, asking, "What is this movie?"  The film is best watched with some of your buddies while eating pizza and drinking beer.

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