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The Dark Hours (2005)

The Dark Hours (2005)The Dark Hours (2005)
Studio: Feature Film Project, Carpi Films
Theatrical Release: March 11, 2005
Director: Paul Fox
Not Rated
Genre: Thriller

Review by James Klein

Being a movie fanatic, it is getting really difficult to find a film I haven't heard of or a film that surprises me. I stumbled upon The Dark Hours simply by searching for horror films that take place in the winter. Growing up on films like The Shining, Silent Night Deadly Night, and The Thing I have associated a good winter storm with horror. Luckily for me, I was able to come across this independent gem from Canada . It may be over five years old now but if you enjoy original and disturbing horror, throw The Dark Hours on your Netflix queue right away.

Psychiatrist Samantha Goodman has just found out that her tumor in her brain seems to be growing. Forced by her superiors to take a little time off, she travels to a desolate cabin where her husband and her younger sister wait for her for a fun weekend together. When a stranger comes to their door and abruptly holds everyone hostage, Samantha soon learns that an ex-patient of hers has escaped and wants revenge.

Although this may seem like a simple plot with not much originality, it is much more. This is not your run of the mill home invasion movie. Think of a home invasion film if someone like Roman Polanski had directed it. Continuing to talk about the plot would ruin the experience. This low budget Canadian film boasts a good cast with an original script and some tight, suspenseful direction by Paul Fox. Looking up his resume on imdb, this is his only feature length film as he's mostly directed television episodes. I hope he comes back to the genre because this disturbing psychological suspense film really got to me. With a running time of only 80 minutes, the film held my interest from the beginning to the end.

The Dark Hours is a hidden gem of a horror film that turns out to be a decent mind fuck. Seek this out and enjoy. Best watched during a winter storm.

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