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Baby steps and giant leaps: an interview with Charlie Benante of Anthrax

Baby steps and giant leaps: an interview with Charlie Benante of Anthrax by Melanie Falina

Charlie Benante has had a hell of a ride with Anthrax since his joining in 1983. The last couple years of which have been particularly rocky with the almost-release of Anthrax's tenth studio album, some personnel changes, and a short period of uncertainty for the future of the band.

In the late summer of 2010, Anthrax had just come off of the Big Four Tour with Metallica, Slayer, and Megadeth, and then slipped right into the American Carnage tour with Megadeth and Slayer.

How does it feel for Charlie Benante to be back into the groove again after a rather rocky 2009?

"Well, I'm not going to lie to you, there's been moments where I thought it was all just going to go away and that was it; we were finished," replies Benante. "You know, coming from that New York type of mentality where you just can't go down unless you go down swinging at least. We weren't ready to just call it a day because of some asshole so fuck it, you know? Let's keep moving, let's try to get this thing back to where it once was and that's the goal. And we're so happy that these things are coming to us now, it's almost like we did the right thing, you know what I mean? So, we're just trying to put this back together still - sometimes it's baby steps and sometimes it's giant leaps. When I say 'giant leaps' I mean you do a tour like the Big Four and that's not a small thing, that was a giant leap. So I think everyone just brushed the dust off their shoulders and said 'fuck it, let's go, let's do this!' That's the mentality right now."

-Read the full story at UnRatedMagazine.com

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