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Usher, Raymond v. Raymond

Usher, Raymond v. Raymond
La Face Records (Sony Music Entertainment) - March 30, 2010
by Mozelle Ellis

We loved Confessions by Usher! This new CD Raymond vs Raymond is definitely a twist in the road. It definitely doesn't come near its predecessor. We went from Confessions to "Single Man going through a Midlife Crisis". This CD seems like some type of publicity stunt. It's definitely worth a listen. It's one of those CD that has to grow on you. "There Goes My Baby" is what I would expect from Usher and I love the single. If he had only stuck with that model and collaborations this would be a CD for all times. But instead he took a totally different direction like some many artists today. You will be pushing next track on a few. Usher can only hope this new release will not end up recycle bin. He is definitely taking some chances with this one. Hey Daddy (Daddy's Home) - is steadily moving up the chart.

I can see a few other singles like "Lil Freak" hitting the top 10 of the chart and sticking for a few weeks. The way so many artists are switching up it would be his luck the Album will hit BB top 10. I will say I was sad to hear him using audio-tune "Guilty". With the voice he has why play with pitch to such an extreme level.

Read the full story at UnRatedMagazine.com

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