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Hell Chose Carnifex - An Interview with Shawn Cameron

Hell Chose Carnifex - An Interview with Shawn Cameron
February 2010
by Melanie Falina

Carnifex might have been diseased and poisoned back in 2008 but they're definitely still kicking - not only that, they've been chosen...by Hell.

As the band readies for the release of their third, full-length album Hell Chose Me, they kick off the festivities doing what they do so well - relentless touring.

As the Carnifex guys return from a series of shows in Europe we caught up with drummer Shawn Cameron to check in during this exciting time. Not only does February 16 mark the first night of their Atticus Metal North American tour , but it's also the release date for Hell Chose Me.

How does Cameron feel about Hell Chose Me now that he and his Carnifex compadres have molded these songs throughout the writing and recording phases until finally producing the finished product?

Read the full story at UnRatedMagazine.com

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