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The Burrowers (2009)

The Burrowers
by Nick Schwab

The horror genre is not often combined with a period piece like it is in The Burrowers, a horror-western set in 1879. One may think that this is both due to the often somewhat lower budget of horror films, and in the scare genre the backdrop of the modern connects with the audience better and this familiarity makes it easier to scare the viewer. Due to those reasons films of this ilk can probably be counted on one hand, while successful ones are even less common.

As late last decade, 1999's Ravenous admirably set a cannibalism/vampire tale to the Spanish-American war era and created a film that was one of the best and purest horror films amiss a time of Scream-like teeny-bopper horror. While the civil war-horror Dead Birds followed a few years later, and if this critic remembers correctly it was more concerned with false scares and padding its runtime. In the present, we now have The Burrowers, a film that is fits right between those aforementioned films in terms of quality.

Read the full story at UnRatedMagazine.com

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