Alice In Wonderland (2010)

Alice In Wonderland 2010
by Nick Schwab
Tim Burton can display a pristine knack for heartfelt emotion. In such films as Big Fish and Edward Scissorhands his attention to character dynamics and credence against a surreal or gothic backdrop was masterful. The problem that Burton has is that it only appears when he wants it to.
As Burton has also been known for creating fantasy worlds full of gothic exuberance and festive visions, Alice In Wonderland may be no exception and it may just be his most visionary picture to date. Sadly, it is nothing more than glossy veneer over thin substance.
In the first few minutes of the film there is a scene between the 6-year old Alice and her father. Alice talks about a dream in which she believed she saw many of the sights that later appear in Wonderland, and asks her father if he thinks she has gone mad. Her father says lovingly that indeed she has, but all the best people are. This scene eclipses the rest of the film both in terms of dimension and tenderness.
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