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Rocky: The Undisputed Collection [Blu-ray]

Rocky: The Undisputed Collection [Blu-ray]
by Rob Grabowski

The complete Rocky collection comes out just in time for Christmas and is sure to be on everyone's Blu-ray list this year. It is a perfect upgrade on this Blu-ray format. While the picture quality isn't as good as I would have liked to see on the earlier films the audio quality is the best available since their theatrical releases. However, the picture is considerably better than what has been previously offered on DVD. The latest installment, Rocky Balboa, has an impeccable picture quality and audio track that will impress the most discernable videophiles. There are also plenty of bonus materials included on a 7 th disk to keep the die hard fans enthralled for hours with bonus material and commentary. Rocky: The undisputed collection, is put together nicely from packaging to presentation and is sure to satisfy the underdog in everyone.

Read the full story at UnRatedMagazine.com

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