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The Shortcut (2009)

by Nick Schwab

There is nothing necessarily wrong with a harmless horror film, even one that is made for younger audiences. The Shortcut is one such a film, as it is a PG-13 movie made for the type of pubescent audience that would probably prefer safe scares. However, where such films as The Monster Squad or Gremlins did a fine job in their light approach, The Shortcut is not only immature in its sensibility, but also in its typical, clichéd, and much lacking storytelling.

The Shortcut may at first seem to have a fun premise: the title route provides the premise of a quick jaunt through the woods near a school that often gets murderous for animals and humans alike. However, the film quickly seems to go in circles, and the plot moves along unnaturally which renders the at-first-fun film pretty uninspired, uneven, and lacking both a scary and a truly funny spirit.

Read the full review at UnRatedMagazine.com

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