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Rachel Williams, Interview

Rachel Williams, Musical truth in the midst of lovers and liars.
Interview conducted in June 2009
by Jackie Lee King

I met Rachel Williams in the media room during the annual CMA Fan Festival in Nashville. We were both taking a break in the action when I commented about how healthy she eats. Her response was, "this is not commonplace." After a bit conversation we both introduced ourselves and realized that we should have set up an interview. Considering our agendas were full up for that day we agreed to catch up over the phone a week later.

The budding siren, a native of Belleville, MI, conquered the club and fair circuits of Michigan and surrounding states in her teens, handling the bulk of booking responsibilities herself, but she finally gained national exposure on the USA Network's Nashville Star2. Working as a waitress at the time the show aired, she soon became known to two million viewers as "that Cracker Barrel girl."

Read the full interview at UnRatedMagazine.com

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