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Surveillance (2009)

Surveillance (2009)
Nick Schwab

Does Jennifer Lynch know torture?

Surveillance may not be amongst the absurdly named genre, torture porn, but rest assured the film is truly like the worst experience to be had... the film feels akin to messing with the psyche of a crazy person and burning in hell rolled into one. It both grates on the nerves and it painful to watch-- it is the type of film that should only entertain the lobotomized or those who love their MTV-style filmmaking.

The film concerns the investigation of a highway massacre, and it tries to be a dark-humored thriller. Rather, in Surveillance the joke is on itself when it quickly divulges in the worst clichés of cult films and the often criticisms of the directorial work of Jennifer's father, David. The movie does horrible in balancing its serious and comedic elements, and the actors in the film might as well be shambling through an episode of Mystery Science Theater 3000. Then again, that makes it sound better than it really is.

The script is littered with alleged one-liners that fall flat and deflate the more straight-faced aspect, while the plot takes dumb detours especially in the climax, and directing wise the film does nothing to inspire a reaction or emotion in the viewer. The film is never interesting, it is merely just there.

Moreover, when asking one to pinpoint just what is wrong with the film if like asking a sane person to give you a metaphorical analysis of ink blots: there's not much point or purpose in it and it does nothing more than waste time. The film tries to have a complex plot and stumbles greatly. It is not funny or smart. Rather, it is pathetically structured, feels disjointed, and is never scary, edgy, or interesting. Surveillance instead is force feed and lousy, pop filmmaking posing as a cult movie.

Read the full story at UnRatedMagazine.com

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