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Dexter: The Complete Third Season Standard (2009)

Dexter: The Complete Third Season Standard Blu-Ray Widescreen
by Rob Grabowski

Dexter (Michael C. Hall) is a very likeable character whom you would have a hard time believing is a serial killer with his boy next door personality and mild manner demeanor. He hides his lust for killing by working as a forensic blood spatter analyst and working for the police department that would be the same hunting him down should he slip up. This comes into play in season two but, for right now, we will stick with season one and why it works so well. Dexter only kills those who deserve it. So what's wrong with that?

He avenges those who have been wronged and for whatever reason they eluded justice and Dexter unleashes his own brand of justice. He learned from his father Harry, who was a police officer, how to hide what the police would use to look for his kind and how to clean up after he kills and basically what needs to be done to not get caught.

Read the full review at UnRatedMagazine.com

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