Twista's Got Love for the Dogs

Twista's Got Love for the Dogs
Metro – Chicago, IL, USA – September 24, 2008
by Dan Hargesheimer
Twista and crew came out to a smaller than usual crowd at the Metro on Wednesday night, but that didn't deter him from putting on the best show he knew how! Twista's openers included EPMD and Mic Terror and the crowd included hip hop fans and dog lovers alike. This concert was sponsored by the Humane Society of the United States to promote the Anti-Dogfighting Campaign, whose clever slogan states, "Dogfighting is the Pits". The campaign is making its way across the country, complete with hip hop stars and a professional dog trainer, who offers his services to anyone with powerful canines that need obedience training. Humane Society representatives stood inside the door of the Metro passing out information on the campaign and collecting money for the worth-while cause.
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