Phoenix loves Journey "Faithfully"

Phoenix loves Journey "Faithfully"
Cricket Wireless Pavilion – Phoenix, AZ, USA - October 3, 2008
by Lauri Svendsen
Billed as one of the hottest tours of the summer, Journey, Heart and Cheap Trick created quite a buzz in Phoenix. Everyone wanted to go to this show mostly for nostalgic reasons. Although they were advertised on the bill here, Heart was unable to perform on certain dates of the tour, Phoenix being one of those stops. Somewhere along the line, the advertising dropped Heart off of the radar with no explanation leaving most fans confused and disappointed. It did not seem to dissuade them from attending however, I mean, the show must go on right?
It appeared as though concert goes arrived nice and early to the Cricket Wireless Pavilion and hit the concessions and pre-show "parties" held by local radio stations including one that offered Karaoke. I really wish the Karaoke had not been there, because almost everyone wanted to attempt a Journey song. Singing Journey (like spandex) is a privilege, not a right people.
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Cricket Wireless Pavilion – Phoenix, AZ, USA - October 3, 2008
by Lauri Svendsen
Billed as one of the hottest tours of the summer, Journey, Heart and Cheap Trick created quite a buzz in Phoenix. Everyone wanted to go to this show mostly for nostalgic reasons. Although they were advertised on the bill here, Heart was unable to perform on certain dates of the tour, Phoenix being one of those stops. Somewhere along the line, the advertising dropped Heart off of the radar with no explanation leaving most fans confused and disappointed. It did not seem to dissuade them from attending however, I mean, the show must go on right?
It appeared as though concert goes arrived nice and early to the Cricket Wireless Pavilion and hit the concessions and pre-show "parties" held by local radio stations including one that offered Karaoke. I really wish the Karaoke had not been there, because almost everyone wanted to attempt a Journey song. Singing Journey (like spandex) is a privilege, not a right people.
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