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Sin City (2005)

Sin City (2005)Dimension Home Video
Theatrical Release Date: 2005 (USA)
Home Release Date: August 16, 2005
Directed by Frank Miller, Robert Rodriguez and Quentin Tarantino
Rated PG-13

Review by Dan Hansen

A comic book truly brought to life!  This piece is based on three graphic novels "Sin City", "The Big Fat Kill" and "That Yellow Bastard", written and illustrated by Frank Miller.

It was totally amazing to see how they intertwined the stories and gave it the appearance of the graphic novel, kind of what was done in Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow (2004) but much cleaner and visually better.

Because of the interweaving of story lines it was tough to figure out which story you were following until the end when you see where all three come together. One story follows a storyline concerning a hulkish brute, Marv (Mickey Rourke), who is seeking the murderer of a beautiful woman who was killed while asleep in bed with him. Then you have an ex-photographer, Dwight (Clive Owen), who accidentally kills a hero cop and has to cover it up. Finally, you have a soon-to-be-retired policeman, Hartigan (Bruce Willis), who is incarcerated for a crime he didn't commit while protecting the life of a young woman (Jessica Alba).

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