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Winger at the Martini Ranch in Scottsdale, Arizona

by Lauri Svendsen

Upon entering the Martini Ranch in Scottsdale I realized it was a bit like cramming 40 people into a phone booth. The club was absolutely packed. Do you remember the tiny club days? Gazzarris? Troubador? Whiskey? Yea, It was that packed.

Up first was Big Cock. Now, you would think a band with a name like Big Cock would have a problem fitting their heads in the door (pun intended). With a name like that, they must be loud, obnoxious and arrogant - perhaps they are, but deservingly so. The band started out their set with Get A Load of Me from the new album Motherload which is the third CD from this group.

Read the full review at UnRatedMagazine.com

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