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Iron Maiden – Somewhere Back In Time - The Best of: 1980-1989

Sony BMG Music Entertainment - May 13, 2008
by Melanie "Sass" Falina

With more than three decades and over 100-million records sold under their belts, it's been one hell of a ride for the London-based metal band Iron Maiden. And much to the delight of fans, it's a ride that's far from over. 2008 marks the release of Somewhere Back In Time - The Best of: 1980-1989 in addition to kicking off a new worldwide tour.

With a plethora of more gold and platinum records than you could shake a guitar at, Iron Maiden had become a major player in heavy metal very early on in their career. Through the years, the band has endured both personnel changes and band breaks, and still they've broadened their musical horizons by putting out both standard and concept albums -- both of which immensely popular, they've toured relentlessly, and are considered by many one of the most important bands in rock and roll.

Read the full review at UnRatedMagazine.com

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