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Batman Begins (2005)

Batman Begins (2005)Warner Brothers
Theatrical Release Date: June 17, 2005 (USA)
Director: Christopher Nolan
Writing Credits: Bob Kane (characters), David S. Goyer (story)
Rated PG-13

Review by Dan Hansen

Batman Begins takes us back to the origination of Batman. Bruce Wayne is the tormented heir of a vast fortune, who becomes the Dark Knight after witnessing the murder of his parents. Batman is a vengeful, brilliant masked crusader who fights the rising evil of Gotham City.

I normally hate prequels but this one is definitely an exception. Director Christopher Nolan takes the audience through Bruce Wayne’s transformation into the caped crusader. Thank the makers that it wasn’t as campy as the Star Wars prequels. There are quite a few twists and turns that make for a good story. Even though I know how Bruce Wayne became Batman, it was like being introduced to something new. The visuals on this were great, loaded with an awesome car chase with the new high tech Bat Mobile (the tumbler). Plus, I thought it was really cool watching Bruce Wayne collect and make his utility belt and costume.

Christian Bale as Bruce Wayne/Batman, dons the mask and it looks as though he is, in fact, enjoying the role. His potential love interest with the beautiful Rachel Dawes (Katie Holmes) was just that potential, which I found refreshing and unpredictable. Oscar award winning actor, Morgan Freeman, is great as Batman’s Technical Advisor. Michael Caine fits the part of the butler, guardian and friend, Alfred. Gary Oldman, the future Commissioner Gordan, was great to watch him go from the evil Dr. Smith (Lost in Space - 1998) to the good guy. Let me tell you that Liam Neeson's character was a total surprise – I’ll keep that to my self. Bravo to the casting director!

David Goyer says he always wanted to write a Batman movie, boy did he ever. I love that he actually had good character arcs and balanced an action movie with a drama. All set in the unmistakable backdrop of my “Sweet Home Chicago,” which gave me goose bumps (there have been only a few movies to gain that distinct honor). All in all, it is a must see. If I owned the copyrights, I’d give it two thumbs way up.

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